Not known Details About baqara surasi text

Not known Details About baqara surasi text

Blog Article

وَإِذْ قُلْتُمْ يَا مُوسَى لَن نَّصْبِرَ عَلَىَ طَعَامٍ وَاحِدٍ فَادْعُ لَنَا رَبَّكَ يُخْرِجْ لَنَا مِمَّا تُنبِتُ الأَرْضُ مِن بَقْلِهَا وَقِثَّآئِهَا وَفُومِهَا وَعَدَسِهَا وَبَصَلِهَا قَالَ أَتَسْتَبْدِلُونَ الَّذِي هُوَ أَدْنَى بِالَّذِي هُوَ خَيْرٌ اهْبِطُواْ مِصْراً فَإِنَّ لَكُم مَّا سَأَلْتُمْ وَضُرِبَتْ عَلَيْهِمُ الذِّلَّةُ وَالْمَسْكَنَةُ وَبَآؤُوْاْ بِغَضَبٍ مِّنَ اللَّهِ ذَلِكَ بِأَنَّهُمْ كَانُواْ يَكْفُرُونَ بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَيَقْتُلُونَ النَّبِيِّينَ بِغَيْرِ الْحَقِّ ذَلِكَ بِمَا عَصَواْ وَّكَانُواْ يَعْتَدُونَ ﴿٦١﴾ two/Al-Baqarah-sixty one: Va iz kultum yea moosea lan naasbiraa aalea taaeamin veahidin fad’u lanea raabbaka yuhric lanea mimmea tunbitulaardu min baaklihea va kısseaihaa va foomihea va aadasihea va baasaalihea, keala a tastabdiloonallazee huva adnea billazee huva haayr(haayrun), ihbitoo mısraan fa inna lakum mea saaltum va duribat aalayhimuz zillatu val maskanatu va beau bi gaadaabin minaalleah(minaalleahi), zealika bi annahum keanoo yakfuroona bi eayeatilleahi va yaaktuloonan nabiyyeena bi gaayril haak(haakkı), zealika bi mea aasaav va keanoo yaa’tadoon(yaa’tadoona).

And among the people is he who suggests, "Our Lord, give us During this entire world," and he could have in the Hereafter no share.

There's no sin on you in the event you divorce the Ladies whilst still you may have not touched them, nor appointed unto them their “Mahr” (bridal-funds). Supply for them with fairness (according to customized and usage) the wealthy In accordance with his signifies and the straitened In keeping with his suggests: This is a binding duty upon the Muhsinûn. (236)

١٤- وَإِذَا لَقُوا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قَالُوا آمَنَّا وَإِذَا خَلَوْا إِلَىٰ شَيَاطِينِهِمْ قَالُوا إِنَّا مَعَكُمْ إِنَّمَا نَحْنُ مُسْتَهْزِئُونَ ◯

War is enjoined on you, Regardless that it's get more info disliked by you; and it may be that you dislike a detail and it is actually very good for you and it might be that you adore a point and it is in fact terrible for yourself. And Allah knows As you don't know. (216)

two:71 قَالَ إِنَّهُ يَقُولُ إِنَّهَا بَقَرَةٌ لَا ذَلُولٌ تُثِيرُ الْأَرْضَ وَلَا تَسْقِي الْحَرْثَ مُسَلَّمَةٌ لَا شِيَةَ فِيهَا ۚ قَالُوا الْآنَ جِئْتَ بِالْحَقِّ ۚ فَذَبَحُوهَا وَمَا كَادُوا يَفْعَلُونَ He claimed, "He suggests, 'It is a cow neither trained to plow the earth nor to irrigate the field, one free from fault without spot upon her.

So whoever can make Hajj to your house or performs 'umrah - there's no blame upon him for strolling involving them. And whoever volunteers superior - then certainly, Allah is appreciative and Recognizing.

So they've got drawn on by themselves wrath upon wrath. And for your disbelievers, There may be disgracing torment.

Who break the covenant of Allah following check here contracting it and sever that which Allah has ordered to become joined and cause corruption on this planet. It is those who are the losers.

" And it is actually supplied to them in likeness. And they'll have therein purified spouses, and they'll abide therein eternally.

Kemudian, setiap orang diberi balasan yang sempurna sesuai dengan apa yang telah dilakukannya dan mereka tidak dizalimi.

[He] who manufactured to suit your needs the earth a bed [spread out] and the sky a ceiling and despatched down in the sky, rain and introduced forth therefore fruits as provision for yourself. So tend not to attribute to quran baqara Allah equals When you know [that there's nothing comparable to Him].

2:277 إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَأَقَامُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتَوُا الزَّكَاةَ لَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِنْدَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ Certainly, people that believe read more and do righteous deeds and establish prayer and give zakah can have their reward with their Lord, and there will be no worry about them, nor will they grieve.

In fact, people that disbelieve - it truly is all the identical for them whether or surah baqarah read online not you alert them or will not alert them - they will not imagine.

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